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Voting system#1538


If you have been voting, than the people who vote the most know that Curse forge doesn’t really work. It’s something’s really annoying because it doesn’t count for everyone and than you miss the vote because curse doesn’t work. I would suggest just to remove it and keep it by the 5 votes we already had.

2 months ago

Yep. Curseforge is very annoying. Half the time it wont work for a better part of the day - which also means if your timing is not right others might have gotten to vote for it (while the site was still working) and you can’t, which if you’re going for top 5 leaderboard is frustrating.

Also, as they already mentioned “keep it by the 5 votes we already had.”, the voting menu (/vote) always says X/5 votes, even though there are 6 votes to send out every day (you’ll just end up with 6/5 votes which is not a big problem, but still).

While we’re here, in the /vote menu you can click on the compass that says ‘voting links’. In it, it will show all sites you have not voted for yet (there’s an image attached of what it looks like). However, they all lead to the same link ( ). It is kind of useful to see what sites you may not have voted for yet, but it would also be useful to have the ‘Click to vote’ just lead directly to the actual link if possible.

Additionally (I forgot to add this) curseforge is the only voting site out of the 6 that will make you wait a full 24 hours to vote again. Meaning if you were to vote at 18:00, tomorrow you wont be able to vote until it is 18:00. And if you vote a little later that day, you can’t vote until that time the next day. So it’s an annoying loop you’re stuck in, and inevitably (for daily voters, that is) you’ll miss a day at some point because you’re not able to vote after the time you voted the day before.

Now, we have 2 problems with curseforge (broken, 24hour wait) that are bad enough on their own. The worst thing here is that often they go hand in hand together.
Imagine: You have to wait until 6pm to vote today? That may not be a problem, but unfortunately curseforge is broken just when you were able to vote again. Now you have to wait until it works again (if it even does), and might not be able to vote until 11pm which means you wont be able to vote until 11pm tomorrow either.

My conclusing being: curse curseforge. Please remove it from available voting options. If removing it is not an option, maybe prevent it from counting towards the voting (monthly) leaderboard.

2 months ago

I edited my comment above on this matter :)

2 months ago

Curseforge works for me almost every time, it just breaks when u spamclick the ‘vote’ button on the Website, bcz to many vote request get send. So if you dont spamclick the votebutton it should work

2 months ago

I guess you haven’t had the issue where the website just doesn’t even react. When you click on the website it will load so long it gives you a error page. I have to get up early in the morning, so I can’t wait for it to work around 11 pm cest. It’s not only about the error of spam click. If you click the button it takes so long that the captcha doesn’t work anymore. So when you click again it will tell you error 404 spam click. Sometimes it does count in the server but a lot of times it says it went through but it didn’t. Either way curse is annoying for daily voters like Nike and me. Find a solution or make it not count.

2 months ago

Vote for me president of the United States. My name is Brent Peterson!

2 months ago

Edit my comment! And pls don’t comment under here with unnecessary things like voting for Brent Peterson. Thanks!

2 months ago

The 404 Error often appears for em too, but just for when I rly do spamclick (yes, I do that sometimes :P) Also, maybe I just dont have the problem cuz I live in germany? Idrk

2 months ago

We both live in the Netherlands, so I think it just revolves around Europe maybe? Curse hasn’t been working for me for 2 weeks now 😭

2 months ago