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Finding Items#1442


So, I sometimes have Problems with finding surtain Items in my Chests, cuz they look the same (like Enchantment Books or like Pots) or I just overlook them. So I figuerd to suggest an Item that can Highlight the Item that you want in Chests or any kind of Storage, so you can find the Item that you are looking for. So the Way this Item Highlighting thing should work is that you put the Item that you want to be Highlighted in a Slot in the Highlightingitem (Imma just say H-I to this now) and then you press Enter or go out of the Menu and then the Items that are the same will be Highlighted as long as the H-I is turned on. You can deactivate the H-I by Leftclicking the Item. With Rightclick you can get into the Menu of the H-I
Please consider adding an Item like this to every Gamemode please, if that is possible <3

12 days ago

Just start sorting and labeling with item frames from the beginning so this isnt an issue

12 days ago

Item Sorters are very hard to build on Paper, also I try to build one, but I need the Items for it, and that’s why I need this Item badly

12 days ago

Just to it manually from the start you dont need an item sorter to sort your items if you begin sorting from when you started like others do..

12 days ago

So, I’m a Veteran of this Server, I play alot and I’m not a beginner in an way. I play Prison as my main Gamemode, ik it’s strange to play this dead Server, but I really enjoy playing on there. Anyways, I have a huge Base and just wanted to make an auto Sorter for my Stuff and since I always had an Issue with finding the surtain Items I needed. That’s why I suggested that. I hope you understand that.

11 days ago